Please select your accommodation below. We would like most to bring their own tent or caravan. If you do not own any tenting or caravan, perhaps you have a friend you could borrow from. Otherwise, see the below options.
Church Tent - The church owns four two-man tents that you can use if you do not own anything yourself. You will still need to provide your own bedding.
Cabin - There is a powered log cabin, four rooms, with a total of eight beds. We want to reserve this for elderly or people with specific needs, eg: powered C-pap machine needed for sleep.
Caravan - There are two caravans on site that we can use with four beds available in each. This is for people who cannot provide their own accommodation.
Shed - There's a powered and insulated shed available, that sleeps approx. twenty people. This is also for people who cannot provide their own accommodation.