These instructions focus attention on the expectations of students' conduct on Educational Trips.
- Instructions issued by the teacher are expected to be listened to and followed.
- Students are expected to be self-reliant and supportive to other members of the group.
- Students will not be allowed to consume alcoholic drinks at any time.
- Students will not be allowed to smoke or vape at any time.
- On occasion, students may have free time. During such periods they will be without direct staff supervision and thus must exercise extreme caution when crossing roads etc. Students must stay in groups of three as a minimum.
- Students will be responsible for their money and other possessions. Great care must be taken to ensure their security AT ALL TIMES.
- At all times students must be courteous to the people they encounter and appreciative of property and the environment.
- Good time keeping is expected and essential; the group’s logistics depend upon this.
- Students must be aware that they are one of a group and that everyone must all play a part in creating a cheery, cohesive atmosphere.
- No student/s are to walk off on their own at any time.
- Students will do their fair share of all tasks associated with the trip.