Ops Boss® Round Table Event Registration
Welcome to the Ops Boss® Round Table! Join us to explore new perspectives, gain invaluable insights, and collaborate with fellow operations professionals. Fill out the form below to secure your spot at our upcoming event and to receive our newsletter.
Which Round Table Event are you registering for?
Please Select
Ohio Valley with Ambassador Buffy Kirkman
Michigan with Ambassador Sarah Vanwingen
New Jersey with Ambassador Tanya Niederman
Central Indiana with Ambassador Hannah Perkey
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Company Name
What Industry are you in?
Role/Job Title
How did you hear about the Roundtable Event?
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Someone told me about it
Ops Boss® Email Newsletter
I am an Ops Boss® Coaching Client
I heard about it in an Ops Boss® class
An Ops Boss® Coach told me about it
I heard someone from Ops Boss® Speak at an Event
Why are you interested in joining this Roundtable event?
Anything else we should know?
Are you currently in coaching?
Who is your coach?
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