Application Form
Oral Story Based Trauma Healing
Please tick off the latest Certification Level you have in Trauma Healing:
Apprentice facilitator
Training Facilitator
Master Facilitator in-training
Master Facilitator
Have you done your Trauma Healing certification in ALICT
If you haven't done your Trauma Healing certification in ALICT; please tell us where have you done it and when? (Country and year)
If you haven't done your certification in ALICT, please upload your certification
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Your Name
First Name
Last Name
In which year have you done ALICT?
Phone Number
Email Address
Please tell us how this Equiping session will serve you and the work you do (max. 200 words)
Do you commit to fully attend and be on time for each session? Dates: Tuesday 14, Wednesday 15, Thursday 16 May and Tuesday 21, Wednesday 22, Thursday 23 May 2024Time: 11 - 13h30 SA time (Approximately 2 to 2h30 min per session)
Yes I do
I am not sure
Are you able to meet on Zoom?
Yes I do
I am not sure
Any additional comments or information you would like to share? (max. 200 words)
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