2024 Huron Valley Marching Band
Attendance Contract
Student attendance is critical for the marching band to be successful. Because we do not have alternates, and we have a limited amount of time to work within rehearsals, we need everyone’s full support of the attendance contract/policy for 2024. Missing rehearsals can put the student at risk of not only falling behind, but any changes, additions to show, or anything else we work on during that rehearsal can become an issue of safety for the student and those around them at times.
As a member, I understand that attendance at all summer practices on the official calendar, including wind/guard/drumline sectionals (May – July), and all Pre/Camp/Post Camp dates (full membership) are required attendance. Notification to Mr. Green and the appropriate must be given a full 2 weeks in advance for all spring/summer activities in writing/email from a parent . I also understand that ALL regular season practices on the calendar are required, as are ALL of the performances, including Football Games, competitions, and ALL parades for the band program both fall and spring.
How to report an absence:
1. Pre-arranged absences (including late arrival/early departure):
Absences/tardiness/or leaving early from any spring/summer/fall practice must be excused by Mr. Green with a 2 week minimum notice via email from a parent to Mr. Green at bob.green@hvs.org. The email from the parent must state the reason for the absence, so that if there is a concern with the absence it can be addressed in advance. We ask for this advance notice for all events for planning purposes. We fully understand family vacations, trips, and events, but we provide a calendar this early for you to plan around your commitment to marching band in advance so that we can be successful.
2. Sickness/Injury/Tardiness (day of or less than 2 week notice):
If a student is sick or injured, or going to be late, you must call or email ahead of practice and notify Mr. Green. If a student is sick at school and will not be coming to practice that day, they must notify Mr. Green ahead of the practice (I do not see every student in the marching band on a daily basis and cannot assume that I know you will/will not be at practice).
Consecutive absences from practice due to illness or injury (2 or more) will need a doctor’s note to be excused. Injuries that do not require a student to remain home should not prohibit a student from attending practice to observe/perform standing still/seated (where applicable), etc.
3. Event/Performance Absences:
***Absences from ANY performance/event including Football Games, Parades, and Competitions need to be turned in to Mr. Green ON OR BEFORE July 1, 2024 by using the attached page (page 3) for reporting.
Excused versus Unexcused Absences:
Once an absence is reported in advance (per above expectations), it will be determined by Mr. Green if the reason for the absence is deemed excused or unexcused. If any absence that is reported according to the guidelines is determined to be unexcused, you will be notified by Mr. Green at the time you report the absence.
Absence Consequences:
If a student is absent and it is not shared with Mr. Green according to the above, it will be counted as an unexcused absence.
To be clear:
- Any unexcused absence may result in a student sitting out the next performance.
- Multiple unexcused tardies (2 or more) to practices may result in a student sitting out the next performance.
- Multiple excused absences may result in the student sitting out the next performance if the director determines that safety/adequate preparation is a concern for the student/members of the band.
- If a student accrues 3 unexcused absences, they are subject to being removed from the marching band.
- Students attending practice, but then sitting out (due to injury/illness) may also result in the student sitting out the next performance if the director determines that safety/adequate preparation is a concern for the student/members of the band.
Please note, it is our expectation that you commit to the marching band and its schedule in full, and that you accept the responsibility of being here for all events. Developing strong musical skills and life skills through the band requires a full commitment to be here for all activities or to follow the proper channels to notify Mr. Green of an absence/tardy.
Please sign below accepting this commitment and expectation as a member of the band, and as a parent authorizing your student to participate. This contract is due with Band Contract/Deposit by May 15, 2024.