Study design: The study will consist of a physical examination and a one-time blood draw of a maximum of 16 mL for child participants and 46 mL for adult participants (exception 2x 46mL for adult participants enrolled for supine and upright cohorts).
Study participation and compensation: All study participants will receive financial compensation of up to $200.00, including a $50 payment for the screening visit and up to $125 for their travel expenses, calculated at the IRS Business mileage rate of $0.67 per mile for the round trip from their home to the Biotrial facility.
For participants aged 18 and older, the compensation will be loaded onto a virtual ClinCard. For participants under 18, the payment will be deposited into the ClinCard account of their legal guardian. The funds will be available within 2 business days after the end of participation.
The parents and legal guardians must bring legal documents to identify themselves as legal guardians of their minor children and sign the Informed Consent Form on behalf of their child.
Screening Visit: The screening visit will include a physical examination and other tests, such as venipuncture, vital signs, blood draw, and medical history. A medical doctor will assess the children's physical development. If the information you give us is accurate, you will be compensated for the screening visit.