Community Garden Plot Application & Waiver
First Name
Last Name
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Gardener Authorization & Responsibilities
The following guidelines outline the management of the community garden and its site property. These guidelines have been established by Master Community Association (MCA) and are provided to the property owner as a basis for a use agreement between the two parties. In turn, MCA provides gardeners with the authority and permission to use the garden site. We, as the community, have a responsibility to keep our community garden managed effectively. The community garden is a privilege, and everything works more smoothly when people are involved in its overall upkeep. Please also remember to treat your fellow gardeners as you would like to be treated. (MCA community gardens have a volunteer Garden Leader and are encouraged to form a Garden Steering Committee to collect assign plots, organize maintenance, and coordinate garden related activities.) With your signature below, you acknowledge as a participating gardener responsibility for the following: Participating in volunteer tasks such as weeding common areas, caring for community plantings and areas, caring for gardening tools, etc. by providing a minimum of (10) hours per month to the community garden. (Failure to contribute your hours will result in the loss of gardening privileges.) Submitting dues for the current year gardening season totaling $65 if paid before February 15, and $75 if paid February 16 or after for each plot. (After February 16, each renter will be issued a $10 late fee) These plot fees cover a range of services including water, trash and fence/shade maintenance. If for any reason you find you cannot care for your garden, you are required to notify the Garden Representative or MCA Manager and make arrangements with other gardeners to water and maintain your plot during your absence. If a garden appears neglected/abandoned (un-watered and/or overrun with weeds), you will be given ten (10) days notice to maintain your plot. After this time your plot will be reassigned. MCA requires water restrictions and conservation measures be followed. A gardener MUST remain on the premises while his/her garden is being watered. The garden cannot allow excess water to drain onto the street or adjacent property. MCA Community Gardens are organic gardens. It is MCA policy to prohibit the use of non-organic pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. The maintenance of common areas and furnishings, fencing, trees, trash receptacles, compost bins, street and alley right-of-way, and water lines are the shared responsibility of all gardeners. Gardeners must have their plot planted by June 15th, or the plot will be forfeited and reassigned. Each gardener is responsible for clearing and tilling his/her plot before the close of the season. All dead plants, weeds, trash, tools, sticks and cages are to be removed or stored by November 1st each year. Scholarships are available on a case-by-case basis & are first come, first served. Please click HERE for more information. Garden Steering Committees shall not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, marital status, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, disability, or military status in its garden membership and the administration of its programs. I have read, understand and agree to the terms and responsibilities as stated in the Gardener Authorization & Responsibilities and Waiver & Release on the reverse side of this document. (Or Parent/legal guardian signature if participant is under the age of 18).
I hereby accept these terms and conditions
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