Dragon Academy
Dragon Academy has a responsibility for making sure all students in the building are well taken care of and that they are safe. We understand that Summer Camp should be a fun experience, but with that experience there must be rules. At the beginning of the summer, the teachers discussed the rules of the class and those that must be abided by on all fieldtrips. To make sure all students are safe, we are implementing a policy stating if a student chooses to not follow through with the rules of the class or fieldtrip, the upcoming fieldtrip will be revoked from the student. We want this to be a consequence of last resort but feel that if the negative behavior is ongoing or serious, then the student will have to stay at Dragon Academy for the next field trip. We understand that communication is vital in helping to resolve any issues with a student's behavior; therefore, all parents will be notified if a fieldtrip is to be removed. Please understand that our goal is to make sure all students are following the rules, so we don't have to revoke fieldtrip privileges, but we need to reserve the right to do so for the safety of all students. We are constantly encouraging the students to make good choices and we will continue to do SO. Should you have additional questions, please see the front desk.
Both the parent and student should sign this form to represent the understanding of this policy.
By signing this, we acknowledge that if rules in the class or on field trips are not followed that this creates an unsafe environment for the student(s We also understand that at any time, a fieldtrip privilege may be taken away from the student, and that student will remain at Dragon Academy during the next fieldtrip.