Our mission is to develop creative and innovative leaders by inspiring a love for learning through student engagement all day, every day.
As A Family, We Will:
- Ensure our child arrives to school each day by 8:00 a.m. maintain above 90% attendance, and refrain from unnecessary early dismissals.
- Communicate regularly with our child's teacher and attend all scheduled conferences.
- Take an active part in preparing our child for school by teaching manners and by making sure our child is well rested, nourished, and dressed in his/her school uniform.
- Support the school in developing positive behaviors.
- Support the school by completing my 20 required volunteer hours.
- Encourage completion of all homework assignments on time.
- Encourage reading at home and limit television and computer time.
- Utilize proper sign in procedures when visiting the school.
As A Family, I Will:
- Come to school each day on time.
- Come to school with a positive attitude and be prepared to learn.
- Make sure that I come to school with all of my required materials.
As an Athenian Academy Team Member, I Will:
- Demonstrate a nurturing and positive attitude.
- Communicate progress and programs through Schoology, the Planner, and conferences.
- Meet individual academic, emotional, and social needs of each child in order to help that child grow to his/her fullest potential.
- Provide a safe and loving atmosphere in which taking risks are encouraged.
- Encourage at least two conferences with each family per year.
I have read the above agreement and received a copy of the tri-fold explaining that the goal of Title I is to improve student achievement through effective instruction, professional development and family involvement.