Business Launch Program
This form will help us determine which path would be best for you.
First Name
Last Name
Best text number
Please enter a valid phone number.
When you start, you have access to fast-start awards & promotions. Do you see yourself earning any of these?
First 15 days: $500 in sales (that's like 10 friends getting a mini warmer & six bars)
First 70 days: $3000 in sales and helping two friends get started & sell at least $200. This earns you $225 in FREE product credit as well as potentially TWO promotions.
Increase your commission from 20% to 25% by having $1000 in sales (no time limit)
I ONLY want to earn 20% back on my own purchases.
Many do Scentsy while working full-time. If you plan to do this part-time, how much money a month would make this worth your time?
How many hours a week could you realistically commit to developing that amount of money?
How would you prefer to launch your business?
Please Select
Online via social media platforms
Offline via text, email, in-person connections
Click & drag to put these statements in the order of importance with #1 being the MOST important to you.
Should be Empty: