Committee Interest Form
APPE Committees are made up of APPE Board Members and Members-At-Large. Members-At-Large can submit a committee interest form at any time. Only APPE Members whose memberships are in good standing will be considered for committee positions. We will try to accommodate everyone's interest and preference, however committee space is limited. Committees are reconstituted on an annual basis and members serve one year, renewal terms, which begin on July 1, 2024. Submit your nomination by June 10, 2024.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Discipline/Research Interests/Ethics Focus Area
Please indicate which committee(s) you are interested in serving on:
APPE IEB® (Responsible for serving as liaison to the APPE Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl® program and engaging and coordinating with others interested in ethics bowl activities.)
Conference (Responsible for overseeing the planning and production of the annual conference.)
Membership (Responsible for recruiting and retaining members, ensuring member satisfaction, and promoting membership benefits.)
Nominating (Responsible for identifying, vetting, and recommending an annual list of candidates for election to the Board of Directors.)
Programming (Responsible for overseeing the planning and production of non-conference programming throughout the year.)
Have you been (or are you currently) involved in any APPE committees or in any similar committees with other organizations or associations? If so, what were/are some of your contributions?
Why are you interested in serving on the committee(s) and what will you bring to the committee(s)? In answering, consider including whatever you feel comfortable sharing in terms of aspects of your identity that might be relevant to our broader goal of promoting an inclusive environment for our members (e.g., academic discipline, age, ethnic or racial identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran's status, disability status, first-generation college graduate, professional background, skills, or expertise).
Are interested in something else, other than a committee, but not sure what the opportunities might be? Please make a note here about how you think you might be interested in volunteering with APPE and we'll be in touch.
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