Summary of Loan Request:
Borrower Full Name: {borrowerName}
Borrower Phone: {borrowerPhone} Borrower Email: {email78}
Date of Birth: {birthDate}
Borrower Social Security Number: {borrowerSocial}
Borrower Mailing Address: {borrowerMailing}
Borrower Total Liquid Assets: {borrowerTotal}
Will this Loan be in a business name/entity? {willThis}
Business Name/Entity: {businessNameentity}
Will there be a Co-borrower Full Name? {willThere}
Co-Borrower Name: {coborrowerName}
Co-Borrower Date of Birth: {coborrowerDate}
Co-Borrower Social Security Number: {coborrowerSocial}
Co-Borrower Phone: {coborrowerPhone} Co-Borrower Email: {coborrowerEmail}
Co-Borrower Mailing Address: {coborrowerMailing}
Co-Borrower Total Liquid Assets: {coborrowerTotal}
Loan Type: {loanType}
Requested Term and Exit Strategy: {requestedtermAnd}
Please attach any relevant documents related to your loan application: {pleaseAttach}
How did you hear about us: {howDid126}
Which Platform: {whichPlatform}
Acknowledgment: {acknowledgment}