Section 2A
Thanks for sharing your demographic information in section 1. In this section, tell us about yourself beyond the surface level.
In most fellowships it’s likely you would only share your resume, but at NLC we care about creating a diverse, inclusive, and dynamic fellowship that includes more than just your professional accomplishments. NLC believes that sharing your personal narrative is a practice of leadership. This section is divided into 2 parts. You may submit your responses in writing or as video recordings. If you are using videos, please take no more than 2 minutes per question to respond.
The format you select for responses will not impact your application score.
Section 2A.
Share your personal narrative. Some examples of topics you can discuss in your response are:
The people who have impacted your journey
The experiences and environments that have shaped your life
The ways you spend your time
The things that motivate you personally or professionally
Why you are excited to apply for NLC
**Let your answers flow naturally, your authenticity is what we're looking for.
You will also find 2 video demonstrations and 1 written demonstration below.
Example 1 - Ambar (Video)
Example 2 - Karen (Video)
Example 3 - Tim (Written)
My name is Tim, I am a Nebraskan living in New York City. When I was growing up, I didn't think this would be the place I would be living in, but thanks to my brother that always believed in me I pursued my passion for journalism. He not only helped me celebrate my victories but also showed me what empowering others through storytelling could look like. I wrote my first article about him and his passion for social justice, but I didn't stop there. Soon I was helping other championing change tell their stories too and sharing them with larger audiences. The cycle that started with my brother motivating one person, resulted in us creating a meaningful impact for other changemakers. I hope that by going through the NLC Institute, I can continue meeting more community leaders but also help tell the story of this era of leaders.