1. Princeton Mill and Weddington recreational homeowners (people on the mortgage deed), their children and guests will be allowed to use the pool without a lifeguard during stated AHS hours. Please note, a homeowner MUST be present with children (16 years and younger) and their guests - no exceptions. Anyone violating this rule will have their access card deactivated, will be suspended from the pool for the remainder of the season and the family of the unsupervised child will be fined $50.
2. Each person is responsible for cleaning up and removing their trash, putting the chairs back around the pool and putting the umbrellas down.
3. AHS swimming hours: Anytime a lifeguard is not present. No one is allowed in the pool area after 10PM. Anyone violating this rule will have their access card deactivated, will be suspended from the pool for the remainder of the season and will be fined $50.
4. The pavilion may be reserved for private parties. Persons qualifying for AHS will still be allowed access to the pool even when a private party is taking place. A notice of any party will be on the bulletin board by the bathrooms. Note - for persons having private parties, rules regarding lifeguard requirements based on number of attendees remain in effect and are not overridden by any element of AHS.
5. No parties may be held at the pool without filling out a Pool Party Request Form and submitting it to the Social Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the party. Party request forms can be located on the Princeton Mill website http://www.princetonmill.com/ on the swim webpage along with a link to the pavilion coordinator.
6. Normal pool rules remain in effect during AHS hours. This includes no running, pushing or horseplay, no pets, no alcoholic beverages or glassware allowed in the pool area. Also, no bicycles, skateboards or scooters are allowed.
7. Non potty-trained children must wear rubber pants. A tight fitting bathing suit is required over the diaper. Sweetwater Pool Management and the Pool Coordinator must be called if an "accident" happens and the pool will be shut down until cleaned.
8. The lifeguard stand and diving board are off limits during After Hours Swimming. During AHS, no diving board usage is allowed. The diving board will be covered and locked and attempts to remove the cover will be considered as a rules violation subject to suspension. The lifeguard stand is for lifeguard use only and is off limits to pool members - no exceptions (please note that we have had repeated problems with kids climbing and jumping off the lifeguard stand so this one needs to be very clear - absolutely no access to the lifeguard stand at any time).
9. Residents of Princeton Mill and Weddington who are not recreational members may not be guests at the pool.
10. Swimming alone is not safe. It is highly encouraged that you have someone at the pool with you.
11. Swim at your own risk