2024-25 RCHS Student Parking Permit Agreement
This form is for student-drivers that will be parking on campus during the school day. Upon submitting this form, the MSHS office will contact you with your parking stall number and you will receive your placard the next day you are on campus.
Student Name:
First Name
Last Name
Student Email:
The MSHS campus is a closed campus. That means students may not leave as they wish, even during the lunch hour. It also means that students may not leave for lunches, snacks, birthday parties and other such non-business oriented activities, even if a parent approves. Initial below to agree.
Your Parking Placard must be visible each day on the front window rear view mirror when parked in the Redwood Christian MSHS parking lot. Initial below to agree.
Park only in your assigned parking space. Initial below to agree.
The parking lot is off limits during the school day and students may not go to their car or "hang out" in a car without permission from the office between the hours of 7:30-3:30. Initial below to agree.
Students must walk along the row of cars and cross only at the crosswalk. Initial below to agree.
The speed limit is 5 MPH on school campuses. Initial below to agree.
A student may go to a dentist or doctor appointment based on a parent note, email, or phone call to the office. STUDENTS MUST SIGN IN AND OUT IN THE OFFICE. Initial below to agree.
Even if a student is 18 years of age, they may not leave campus during school hours without the office having parental permission. Students must sign-in and sign-out in the office during school hours. Initial below to agree.
You will be issued a parking placard through the MSHS office. You need to return the parking placard no later than the last day of school. A $20 parking placard fee will be charged via FACTS on May 28th if it has not already been returned to the MSHS Office. You may not keep the placard for the following year.* Initial below to agree.
Make of Vehicle (Ford, Chevy, etc.)
Year and Color of your Vehicle (2004, Blue)
License Plate
Upon signing your full name below you are stating you have read and will adhere to this agreement.
Should be Empty: