The Stewarts Creek High School Choirs function on a high level due to the coordinated efforts of Stewarts Creek Administration, Faculty, and Parents. We cannot be successful without everyone present at all in-school and after-school choir events. Be proactive in maintaining a personal calendar with your dates for family, church, sports, choir, etc. Communicate any potential conflicts that might arise to choir directors, coaches, etc.
All concerts listed below are required of all students:
- Sept 26 - 7pm - Fall Choir Concert (all choir students)
- Oct 24 - 6:30pm - Choral Extravaganza (all choir students)
- Feb 13 - 7pm - Pre-Adjudication Concert (all choir students)
- Apr 29 - 7pm - Spring Choir Concert (all choir students)
In addition, the events listed below are required for the indicated students only:
- Sept 19 - 7pm - NW Rutherford MS Mass Choir (Athena & Apollo only)
- Feb 28 - 3:30-5:30pm - Recording Session (Apollo only)
- Mar 7 - 3:30-5:30pm - Recording Session (Athena only)
- Mar 10 - 3:30-5:30pm - Visit to SCMS (Apollo & Athena only)
- Mar 11 - 6pm - Freshmen Orientation (Meistersingers & Apollo only)
Additional, non-required activites (such as honor choir auditions and honor choir events), are on the Online Choir Calendar. If you think you'd like to participate in these (a mmajority of choir students choose to do so), please make notes of these dates now.
Specific Call Times, along with all other information about a choir event, are found on gig sheets and on the Online Choir Calendar. The Stewarts Creek Choir Calendar can always be found at or on the Stewarts Creek High School website for reference throughout the year. Please make yourself aware now of all choir events found on the Online Choir Calendar. Put these events on your calendar now and please do not schedule any other events on these dates
By entering my name below, I attest that I, {primaryParentguardian26}, am a parent or legal guardian of {studentName}. I understand that a comprehensive choir calendar is available at Our family has scheduled the dates on the Online Choir Calendar on our family calendar and AGREE NOT TO SCHEDULE OTHER EVENTS (family vacations, doctor visits, church retreats, etc) ON THESE DATES. I understand that only school-related conflicts (such as school-sanctioned clubs, athletics, etc) can be excused absences from any choir event, and we agree to communicate conflicts with choral directors as soon as they arise.