Thankyou you applying to regsiter your business on the Pet Directory Services.
The Premium listing is £20 for a 12month listing on the directory, and includes your dedicated page on the directory which includes your logo,description of your business, services offered, business key points, links to your contact number, email website and social media accounts, upto 8 photos and a review section. Your business will be listed under multiple services and areas.
The Basic listing is £10 for a 12month listing on the directory, and includes your logo, services and areas covered, contact number and email address, link to either your website or social media account, your business can be listed under multiple services and areas.
The Free listing on the directory includes your logo, contact number, email address and your website address or 1 social media account and listing under one service only. (NO DIRECT links to your website / social media account, or contact details)
Basic & Premium listings only - Along with your business being listed on the directory, it will also be shared across our social media accounts, and you will be able to post on the group page ( with no restrictions or waiting approval. Any posts you share on the group will also be shared across our other social media (this is done every few weeks).
Any premium and basic listing on the directory will also be eligable to enter our awards included in the yearly fee.
ALL BUSINESSESS offering a service or manfacturing their own products are required to hold full insurance before any listing can be approved.
Anyone offering homeboarding, day care, or boarding establishments must hold the required licence unbder the animal boarding establishments act.
We are ICO registered and do no pass any details from this registration form onto third parties.