Invoice for Fair Share Fees for SJCCA Band Members- Instrumentalist/Auxiliary (Guard & Majorettes)
Families have four options to pay fees: One payment of total fees or installments. All Installment options require a deposit payment of at least $150 by June 1st 2024 when you sign up.
ALL Fees will be reflected in CutTime and Payments will be applied and reflected via Cut Time.
Option 1: Payment of total amount due, opting out of volunteering: $800 ($500 for Fair Share + $20/ Un-earned Volunteer Points or $300= $800) $150 Deposit Due 6/1 and $650 Blance Due 8/1
Option 2: $500 Payment + 15 Volunteer Points: $150 Deposit Due 6/1 and $350 Balance Due 8/1
Payment Due Dates: June 30th - July 31st - Aug 31st - Sept 30th - Oct 31st - Nov 29th- Dec. 20th- Jan 31st- Feb 28th- March 24th
Installment payments will begin once the deposit has been paid on June 1st or before.
Option 3: $800 -$150 Deposit due 6/1 = $650 leaves 10 payments of $65
Option 4: $500 -$150 Deposit due 6/1 = $350 leaves 10 payments of $35
Other Information:
Fair Share may be reduced by student/ family participation in Fundraisers (Car Washes, Parking Fundraisers, Business Sponsorships, Insta-Raise Fundraisers are several examples.)
You may pay any amount at anytime during the year via CutTime- although payment dates and amounts are expected to be met either through payments or fundraising credits.
You may do a combination of Volunteer Points, Fundraising, and Payments to reduce or eliminate the Fair Share Balance. Volunteer Points do not "Roll-Over" to the next year and can not be banked. Fundraising Credits CAN "Roll-Over" or can be banked year after year.
If you choose to do the Volunteer Points but do not earn enough by the start of the 4th Quarter, then the amount of Volunteer Points not earned will be added to your Fair Share Balance and due by your student's last day of school (Senior Clearance Day for Seniors.) Example- Payments and Fundraising Credits earned between June 1st and March 24th equals $500 with 12 Volunteer Points Earned. This leaves 3 Un-earned Volunteer Points x$20 per point= $60 for Fair Share Due by student's last day of school.