感謝你提供的發現馬蹄蟹報告。這些資料可協助我們更掌握香港馬蹄蟹的分布、品種和數量。如果你發現馬蹄蟹被困於棄置漁具中,可於自身安全情況下將其救出,並在附近適合的地方釋放。如有需要協助,請致電3468 5394與我們聯絡 (辦公時間: 星期一至五早上9點至下午5點30分,公眾假期除外) 。
Thank you for submitting the horseshoe crab sighting report to us! Your information would help us to better understand the distribution, diversity and abundance of horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong waters. If you find any horseshoe crab trapped in abandoned fishing gear, you may rescue them from the gear and release them in an appropriate location nearby, provided that your own safety will not be jeopardised. If you need assistance, please contact us at 3468 5394 during office hours (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5:30pm, excluding public holidays).
Please note that once you submit the information about the sighted horseshoe crab, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) would have the right to utilise the information for education, research and statistical purposes. Your personal information will only be used for contacting you regarding the information you submitted.