Introduction: In Honor of my mom-Earlene: Cherishing Motherhood Forever Contest is a heartfelt tribute to the enduring spirit of motherhood and a celebration of the everlasting love that mothers impart. This contest is dedicated to the memory of Earlene Scott, a beloved mother whose legacy of love continues to inspire.
Theme: The theme of the contest revolves around enduring nature of motherhood. Participants are encouraged to explore topics such as maternal love, sacrifice, resilience, and the lasting impact of matenal figures.
Objective: The primary objective of this contest is to honor and cherish the profound impact of mothers in our lives. Participants are invited to express their appreciation for maternal figures and reflect on the timeless qualities of motherhood.
Submission Guideline:
- Participants are invited to submit orginal essays
- Ages: (13-17)
- Essays should be between 200-250 words.
- Submissions must be dedicated to the memory of Earlene Scott and reflect the spirit of cherishing motherhood forever.
Judging Criteria:
- Originality and creativity in interpreting the theme.
- Emotional resonance and depth of expression.
- Clarity and coherence of ideas.
- Adherence to the dedication of Earlene Scott and the theme of cherishing motherhood forever.
- First Prize: 100$
- Second Prize: 50$
- Third Prize: 25$
Submission Guidelines:
- Submissions should be uploaded via the File Upload feature below or sent via email to: with the subject line "Cherishing Motherhood Forever Contest"
- Please include your name and contact information.
- DEADLINE for submissions is May 10, 2024 @ Midnight.
Announcement of Winners: Winners will be announced on Saturday May 11, 2024 @ high noon(12:00) via email and on Social Media Platform. Winning entries may also be featured on Tracey Lynn Foundation webpage as a tribute to Earlene Scott and mothers everywhere.
Conclusion: The "In Honor of Earlene: Cherishing Motherhood Forever Contest" offers a meaninful opportunity to honor that special person in your life..