CACCT Child Abuse Prevention Education Request Form
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
I'm interested in learning more about (check all that apply):
CACCT 101 (what it is and how to get involved)
Recognize, Responding, and Reporting Child Abuse (TEA credit)
Sex Trafficking
How to Talk to Kids About Abuse; What to Watch For as a Parent
Child Prevention Education (for elementary age; internet safety, safe practices, recognizing inappropriate behaviors, etc.)
Teen Prevention Education (for middle school - high school; digital/internet/phone safety, safe practices, how to help a friend, sex trafficking, etc.)
C.O.P.E. - Shaken Baby Prevention Training
Type of Information (check all that apply):
Individual (personal resources to increase knowledge base about topic)
Group Presentation (schedule a time for CACCT to present)
Additional Comments/Notes:
Should be Empty: