Montezuma County Veteran Services
Help us determine the quality of service the Veteran Service Officer (VSO) provided you.
1. During your most recent interaction with our office; how well did the VSO understand your concerns or issues?
Very Well
Somewhat Well
Not Well
Failed to Understand
2. How long did it take the VSO to take care of your concerns or issues?
Much Shorter Than Expected
Somewhat Shorter Than Expected
Longer Than Expected
Much Longer Than Expected
3. How clear and/or easy was it to understand the information that the VSO provided you with?
Extremely clear
Very clear
Somewhat clear
Not so clear
Not at all clear
4. The VSO treated me with dignity and respect.
Absolutely Agree
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
Absolutely Disagree
5. How likely are you to recommend Montezuma County Veteran Services to other veterans or a qualifying family member?
Extremely Likely
Very Likely
Somewhat Unlikely
Extremely Unlikely
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