To: Election Committee Members: Charles C. Nebel, Pamela Johnson, Joel Vandevelde
From: _________________________________________
Second Notice of Violation of the People’s Fundamental Rights by
Alger County Election Commission
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal and Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent
I, one of the People as seen in the Michigan Constitution Declaration of Rights Section 3, Sui Juris, do serve this notice that you may take due care; (see evidence below)
Article I Section 3: Assembly, Consultation, Instruction, Petition
“The people have the right peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, to instruct their representatives and to petition the government for redress of grievances.”
Please take notice that during a public hearing on Wednesday, May 1st, 2024, the three members of the Alger County Election Commission voted unanimously to appoint a temporary Rock River Township officer, despite more than forty (40) notices being served by the People, standing on the Michigan and U.S. Constitutions, showing clearly in the law that a temporary appointment of township officers is based upon an MCL (statute) that is repugnant to the Michigan Constitution and therefore VOID. Notice it is your sworn duty to protect the People’s rights in all your public administration of the People’s business.
Please take notice that in the April 18, 2024 notice “Notice to Alger County Election Commission on Violation of the People’s Fundamental Right to Vote”, served to you by the People, you were shown the following claims, each of which were supported by the highest law; express-written constitutional text, maxims of law (universally accepted as being true rules and principles of law), and landmark Supreme Court rulings, to which you are legally bound and sworn to support: (see evidence below)
1. That any attempt by the Alger County Election Commission to use inoperative law in seating a temporary township officer will be considered a violation of the People’s fundamental right to vote.
2. That when an existing form of law cannot attain its purpose in serving the needs of the People (quorum), actions may be taken to restore continuity of government ‘by necessity’.
3. That the People of the Alger County townships have the intent and full authority to call a true township election at our will, as seen in the Michigan Constitution Article I Section 1.
4. That, in declaring, by notice, the People’s supreme political power to call an election, the power of the government trustee/servant ceases; and the less authority is merged in the greater.
5. That election of township officers by the People is a constitutional mandate; as these seats hold grants of legislative and administrative powers by the People. No moving and re-labeling of township elections by a foreign government agency (Alger County Elections Commission) is constitutionally authorized.
Please take final notice you were given five days to rebut or controvert the law and claims provided by the People in the above-mentioned notice of April 18, 2024. There was no public response by you in any way that followed the terms stated within the notice. Now, by your tacit acquiescence, you have agreed that, with your vote to move forward to appoint a township officer by public act, you acted with full knowledge, intent, and malice in trespassing the People’s fundamental right to vote.
It is my wish, demand and order that you publicly rescind your vote to seat a constitutional officer by a repugnant statute and publicly apologize for the attack you have taken against the People of Michigan, to whom you are sworn to serve, and whose grievances you are sworn to redress.
If you believe that you have authority to rule over the rights of the People of the township regarding election of township officers, please show specific provisions in the constitution (or statutory law not repugnant) within 5 days of receiving this notice. Any disputes by any public officials or private actors who are bound by contract to the Michigan Constitution or the United States Constitution, agrees to have these matters heard before an arbitrator of my choice and to be bound thereby. All responses must be submitted by affidavit, sworn under penalty of perjury, within 5 days of receiving this Notice or you agree, by acquiescence, all statements in this Notice to be true and fact. Further, you agree that you are acting with full knowledge, intent, and malice by trespassing on the Private People and our rights, and that no court shall be able to rehear this matter, but it shall stand as evidence, truth and law in all courts of record.
This notice is sent to you in peace and with the love of Christ, so that you may provide due care to those who have all political power, the People.