Based on “Current Industry Standards”, there is a fee for dictation of certain letters and completion of forms that are either brought to the office by the patient or that are sent directly to the office via fax or mail.
You will be informed of the exact charge and the fee is to be paid by cash or credit card prior to the form/letter being completed.
$50.00 - FMLA Form (Family Medical Leave Act)
$50.00 - Disability Form or Letter
$30.00 - Letter of Medical Necessity
$30.00 - Jury Duty Letter of Medical Explanation
$50.00 - Travel Insurance Form and/or Letter of Medical Explanation
**Charges for forms and letters that are not listed above will be between $30-$50. You will be notified of the amount prior to the forms or letters being completed.
Copies of Medical Records: Per Florida Law: $1.00 per page for the first 25 pages, then $.25 for each additional page.
* The above fees may be assessed for each occurrence of filling out forms, dictating letters, and/or copying medical records.
* Once payment has been received, forms, letters, and/or records requests will be completed within 5-7 business days.