Rebudget on Existing Award
During the life of an award, a rebudget of funding line items may be necessary due to unanticipated programmatic, staffing, equipment, or other changes since the project was initially planned. If so, please refer to the terms and conditions that govern your agreement regarding the allowability of rebudgeting. Only if prior approval of the sponsor is required will a system rebudget be done and the request must be submitted by OSP.
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If you have any questions about the information requested on this form, please reach out to
NuRamp form
Enter only numbers of the OSP form ID. For example, UNL-00123456 should be entered as 123456. Please do not enter the project ID.
PI name
First name
Last name
PI email
Sponsor award number
What is the sponsor's threshold for rebudgeting? (%)
If you are unsure, consult your award document.
Is sponsor prior approval required?
Please Select
Describe the proposed budget change
Describe how this budget change impacts the scope of work
Describe any impact on cost sharing
Upload rebudget summary file on UNL template
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You can download a copy of the summary template here:
Upload revised budget on UNL budget template
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Please do not upload files with special characters in the name; they will not work properly.
Upload an optional budget justification and other supporting documents, if needed
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Please do not upload files with special characters in the name; they will not work properly.
Additional info for Sponsored Programs
Provide any additional information that may be relevant to the request.
Requestor name
First name
Last name
Requestor email
Additional email address to receive a copy of this submission (e.g., your business center may require a copy be sent to them)
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