F&A Waiver Request
Any request for a reduction of the full allowable F&A rate must be thoroughly justified and signed by the cognizant department chair and dean prior to submission of this form to OSP for consideration. It is critical to thoroughly justify how the benefit to the university outweighs the costs to the university. Any requests must be submitted well in advance of the proposal due date to ensure time for evaluation and responses. The Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation makes the final determination for all waiver requests following OSP review and documentation. You will be notified via email of the final determination.
Need help with this form?
If you have any questions about the information requested on this form, please reach out to osp-preaward@unl.edu
NuRamp form
Enter only numbers of the OSP form ID. For example, UNL-00123456 should be entered as 123456. Please do not enter the project ID.
PI name
First name
Last name
PI email
Proposal deadline
Must be at least 10 business days from today
Does the sponsor have an F&A policy?
Please Select
The F&A policy must be a written statement on a publicly available website or formal document provided by the federal or non-profit sponsor. Email is not sufficient.
What is the F&A rate (%) allowed by the sponsor (if waiver not approved)?
What is the total budget amount ($) with full F&A rate applied?
What is the reduced F&A rate (%) being requested?
What is the total budget amount ($) with the reduced F&A rate applied?
Please describe the financial impacts of the F&A waiver – both positive and negative
Please provide a justification for the waiver describing how the benefits to the project and the university outweigh the costs to the university
Required Documentation
Sponsor F&A policy (if applicable)
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Budget on UNL template
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Budget justification
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Email approvals from the department and college
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Requestor name
First name
Last name
Requestor email
Additional email address to receive a copy of this submission (e.g., your business center may require a copy be sent to them)
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