NAGCR 2024 AGM Registration
Name (first and last)
Preferred first name on name tag
Home Tower
Mobile telephone #
Arrival date and estimated arrival time in Sewanee
How will you get to Sewanee?
Groome Transportation Shuttle to Monteagle from Chattanooga or Nashville airports (click to book:
Do not yet know
Area resident
Departure date and time from Sewanee
If applicable, please provide the preferred names of the guests registering with you for their name tags. (Enter "N/A" if you are not bringing guests.)
Lodging location while attending the AGM.
For lodging information, visit
Education Classes & Ringing Courses
Please indicate which education classes or ringing courses you plan to attend on Friday, October 18th:
Handbells 101
Ringing Room
Belfry maintenance
Elementary conducting
Recruiting and retention
Lectures - various topics
Teaching bell handling
Teaching methods
Composing methods
Improving skills - Plain Hunt & beyond
Would you be willing to participate in the ringing courses as a helper?
Tower Ringing Skills
For ringing sessions that you would like to join, please indicate your confidence level. Only mark the sessions you would like to join.
Would like more experience
Confident helping in tower
Willing to run a session
Rounds, call changes, and Plain Hunt
Plain Bob and Grandsire
Kent Treble Bob and Stedman
Surprise methods
Quarter Peal
If you are willing to conduct a Quarter Peal, please indicate the number of bells and which methods?
Handbell Ringing Skills
For handbell ringing sessions that you would like to join, please indicate your confidence level. Only mark the sessions you would like to join.
Would like more experience
Confident helping in hand
Plain Hunt and Plain Bob
Kent Treble Bob and Stedman
Are you willing to bring a set of handbells?
Handbell ringers, would you be willing to:
Participate in the Adult Forum Class at the Episcopal Parish of St. Mark and St. Paul's in Sewanee at 10:00 am on Sunday?
... and ring at its 11:00 am Sunday service?
Ring at a community event at 2:00 Saturday at All Saints, the University Chapel?
Optional Ringing at Remote Towers
Unfortunately, as of 7/23, St. Paul's Cathedral in Birmingham is no longer available on October 19th due to a wedding conflict. As of 7/23, there has been no interested indicated in ringing in Marietta. We are in the process of exploring St. Luke's in Atlanta as an option. More news to follow.
Marietta, GA (St. James, a ring of 8)
No longer an option: Birmingham, AL (Unfortunately, as of 7/23, St. Paul's Cathedral is no longer available due to a wedding.)
Carpool (suggested)
Van (with boxed lunch)
Area Non-Ringing Activities
We would be happy to help plan non-ringing activities or outings for you and your guests. Please indicate your interest in:
University Clock tour/presentation
A Sewanee campus tour
Walking/hiking on area trails
Visiting the Ralston Music listening room
Visiting the Jack Daniels Distillery in Lynchburg, TN
Visiting the Lodge Cast Iron Museum and retail shop in South Pittsburg, TN
Buffet-style meals will be available at McClurg Dining Hall, near Breslin Tower. Light fare is available at other locations within a short walk from the Tower. Snacks and refreshments will be provided throughout the weekend.
Please indicate if you or your guests have any dietary restrictions or other special accommodation requirements we should know about.
Is there anything else you would like us to know? You can also contact with questions.
Payments can be made by charge card after clicking the "Submit" button on this registration form or by mailing a check (US Dollars) to: The Sewanee Guild of Change Ringers, c/o John Solomon, 91 Girault Jones Drive, Sewanee, TN 37375.
Payment Calculation
Number of People
Ringer Registration Fee ($45.00)
Banquet Fee for Ringer ($47.50)
Banquet Fee(s) for Guests ($47.50)
Please select preferred payment type:
Credit card
The total below is the amount to enter in the credit card payment form or in your check after you click the "Submit" button.
Should be Empty: