1. Gender
Gender queer
Gender non-conforming
2. What is your age?
Please Select
Under 18
3. What is the highest level of education you have completed in Canada?
Please Select
Elementary School
High School
Bachelors Degree
Master's Degree or Higher
Other (Please Specify)
4. How important is further education for achieving your career goals?
Extremely important
Very important
Moderately important
Slightly important
Not at all important
5. What is the most significant barrier to education you have faced as a refugee in the GTA?
Language and communication barriers
Financial constraints
Recognition of foreign credentials
Navigation of the educational system
Lack of social support or isolation
Access to transportation
Childcare availability
Mental health challenges
Discrimination or cultural barriers
Lack of information about available resources
Other (Please specify)
6. Please explain why you consider this to be the most significant barrier and how it has impacted your educational journey.
7. Which of the following support services/resources have you had access to, and how helpful have they been in addressing educational barriers you've faced?
Case management services
Academic development services
Language training and interpretation
Career and educational planning
Financial aid for education
Transportation support
Childcare services
Assistance with educational records and documentation
Mental health support
8. For the services/resources you have accessed, please rate how helpful they have been in addressing educational barriers you've faced.
Not Aware
Aware but not Used
Used and Helpful
Used but not Helpful
Case management services
Academic development services
Language training and interpretation
Career and educational planning
Financial aid for education
Transportation support
Childcare services
Assistance with educational records and documentation
Mental health support
9. Was there a 'layover' period between your migration to Canada and when you enrolled in/were able to pursue education in Canada?
10. Would you like to include any further reflection relating to your experience as a young refugee in Canada or relating to your experience with the educational system in Canada?
11. If you are interested in participating in further research, such as a qualitative focus group, or if you would like to provide a testimonial about your experiences, please provide your contact details below. Participants selected for testimonials will be compensated for their time. Your information will remain confidential.
What is your name? (Optional)
First Name
Last Name
What is your email address/phone number? (Optional)
Should be Empty: