To: Teri Grout, Rowan Bunce, Rock River Township Officers
From: _______________________________________
People’s Notice to Rock River Township Officers:
Hold Town Hall Meeting and Set Election to Fill Vacant Officer Seats
Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal and Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent
I, one of the People as seen in the Michigan Constitution Declaration of Rights Section 3, sui juris, do serve this notice that you may take due care;
Please take notice that on May 1st 2024, the three members of the Alger County Election Commission approved appointment of a temporary member to your township board, ostensibly to reach a quorum so that you could convene/act to fill the three currently vacant seats on your board. Please notice the Alger Election Commission received lawful notices from the People both before and after their May 1st 2024 meeting, detailing in the highest law that the statute (MCL) used for the temporary appointment, is repugnant to the Michigan constitution and is therefore Null & Void. (see evidence enclosed at end of this notice, for facts & law presented by the People in April 18, 2024 Notice to County Election Commission.)
Please take notice that, since the Alger County Election Commission used a repugnant statute in an attempt to appoint an officer thus establishing a quorum, said appointee selected at the meeting holds NO authority of a township officer and cannot be seated. (see evidence below):
Maxim of Law: An unconstitutional Act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is, in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed. Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425, 442.
Please take notice the Michigan Constitution mandates the several township officers “shall be” elected by the People of the township, and take notice there is no constitutional prohibition regarding the officers convening or conducting business absent a quorum. Take notice you have sworn to be amenable to the People at all times, and you currently hold full authority to set the election and fill the three vacant seats, thus restoring the township board to its fully active state. (see evidence below):
Michigan Constitution Article VII Sec. 18 Township officers; term, powers and duties
“In each organized township there shall be elected for terms of not less than two nor more than four years as prescribed by law a supervisor, a clerk, a treasurer, and not to exceed four trustees, whose legislative and administrative powers and duties shall be provided by law.”
Michigan Constitution Article II Sec. 5 Time of elections
“Except for special elections to fill vacancies, or as otherwise provided in this constitution, all elections for national, state, county and township offices shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in each even-numbered year or on such other date as members of the congress of the United States are regularly elected.”
Maxim of Law: Words ought to be made subservient to the intent, not the intent to the words. 8 Coke, 94; 2 Bl. Comm. 379.
Please take final notice that is my wish and demand that no appointed individual is to be seated as a township officer, and that before setting the special election of the three officers, you are to conduct a Town Hall meeting (not an official hearing) with the People of the township to hear and redress any grievances regarding this special election, and, township general elections going forward. (see evidence below):
Michigan Constitution Declaration of Rights Section 3: Assembly, Consultation, Instruction, Petition
“The people have the right peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, to instruct their representatives and to petition the government for redress of grievances.”
Furthermore, if you believe any of the above claims are untrue or that you have the authority in any way, which would allow any Public Servant, Agent, or Corporate Entity to infringe on the People’s Rights, please show where you were granted these Constitutional Authorities. Any disputes by any public officials or private actors who are bound by contract to the Michigan Constitution or the United States Constitution, agrees to have these matters heard before an arbitrator of my choice and to be bound thereby. All responses must be submitted by affidavit, sworn under penalty of perjury, within 5 days of receiving this Notice or you agree, by acquiescence, all statements in this Notice to be true and fact. Further, you agree that you are acting with full knowledge, intent, and malice by trespassing on the Private People and our rights, and that no court shall be able to rehear this matter, but it shall stand as evidence, truth and law in all courts of record.
This notice is sent to you in peace and with the love of Christ, so that you may provide due care to those who have all political power, the People.
Autograph: Date:
______________________________ ________________
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