Consent and Release Information
[Please read the following very carefully]
General: By signing this waiver form electronically below, I acknowledge that I/my child am/is physically and mentally able to participate in St. Catherine's Summer VBS activities. I acknowledge that there are certain risks involved in said activities. I release St. Catherine's Church, The Diocese of Trenton, its
affiliates, volunteers, and employees of all responsibilities for any injuries, to body or property, which may occur to me or my child during the course of these activities.
Emergency: In the event of an emergency in which I, or the alternate contact, cannot be reached, I authorize the adult leaders to make medical decisions for me, and to administer first aid if deemed necessary. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless St. Catherine's Church, The Diocese of Trenton and its affiliates, volunteers, and employees of any and all claims arising from the participation in activities or as a result of injury or illness during such activities.
Publicity: On occasion, St. Catherine's Church and The Diocese of Trenton take photographs or makes an audio or video recording of children and/or adults involved in parish/school/youth activities. I consent to the use of any such photographs, or audio or video recordings of the individual named above to be used, distributed or displayed as agents of the Diocese of Trenton see fit
(ex: Diocesan or Parish websites; Facebook; YouTube; Blog; the Monitor, etc.).
COVID-19: During this event, I understand that all participants will be expected to adhere to COVID-19 Safety Policies that may be in effect during the week of VBS. Policies are set forth by the Diocese of Trenton and may include: maintaining social distancing, wearing a face if required, and use of provided hand sanitizer regularly.
I have read this Waiver Form and I am fully aware of its contents.