Our mission is to provide every adult in Greater Lowell with opportunities to develop literacy and math skills needed to qualify for further education, job training, and better employment, and to reach his/her full potential as a family member, productive worker, and citizen.
At Abisi Adult Education Center, all students and staff are considerate of each other. We learn from and respect each other’s diverse talents and differences in culture, education, economic status, color, race, and religion.
ESOL and HSE classes have different registration forms and processes for enrolling students. Make sure you select the correct class so your enrollment is not delayed.
English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL):
Are you looking to learn English? ESOL classes provide instruction to second language learners looking to improve their English speaking, reading, and writing skills.
For ESOL class Information, click here: https://form.jotform.com/241924381289060
GED/HISET Testing Information:
If you are not interested in taking classes but information regarding the official high school credentials tests (GED/HISET), click here: www.doe.mass.edu/hse. Official GED/HiSET tests are offered in English and Spanish.
High School Equivalency Classes (HSE):
HSE classes help students prepare to pass the GED and HiSET High School Equivalency Exams. Students participate in courses focusing on Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
You MUST have a high level of English to enroll in these classes.