Net Zero Leaders
First Name
Last Name
Current role and organisation
Where you primarily work or impact is most significant
Describe your background and what led you to your current role in climate action.
What are some of the major projects or initiatives you have led or been a part of?
Please provide a standout statistic or fact that showcases your impact or contribution to your company/institution’s race to net zero emissions.
Why does climate action matter to you personally? Are there any personal anecdotes, pivotal moments, or influences you would like to share?
Can you provide specific data or metrics that demonstrate the tangible impact of your work? (eg, reduction in emissions, renewable energy generated, policies influenced).
How do you envision your work influencing broader industry or societal shifts towards sustainability?
This journey evolves every year. Can you share how your work as a sustainability leader has changed from when you first started?
We know the net zero journey is far from easy. Do you have any particular challenges you would like to share with us? Please explain how your company/institution overcame them. Did you take any risks? Develop any innovative solutions?
Could you share a short statement about your vision for the future of climate action?
What advice or call to action would you give to others looking to make an impact on climate? Particularly, for those who are just getting started.
Can you share any of the business benefits that you have seen since starting your net zero journey? (ex: cost savings, increased efficiency, better employee engagement, new clients, reputational gains, etc.).
Please share any additional thoughts or messages you would like to convey about your work in climate action and sustainability.
Please attach a high-quality portrait of yourself in a setting that reflects your work or passion; any action images of yourself in the field or at events that we could include; any infographics or data visualisations that highlight the impact of your projects; and/or any video clips or media appearances that you would like to include in your profile.
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*By completing and submitting this form, I consent for my responses to be shared with the Climate Champions' Race to Zero Team in line with data protection and privacy provisions. Aggregated information summarising responses may be circulated by the Race to Zero team as part of this work. The High-Level Champions reserve the right to review the form and follow up process as needed.
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