Got a job? Enter your details, we'll be in touch shortly to chat about your requirements. (Or click here to skip this form and chat now)
Already submited a job enquiry? Send us a memo instead.
"Eastern Melbourne Electricians this is ______________ . How can we help? "
Enter customer details "so Dan & the team can follow up":
Already submited a job enquiry? Post us a memo instead.
Thanks for your enquiry! We'll be in touch shortly.
Please review the form below and fill any and all blank or missing info including photos of all relevant areas, electrical components and, importantly, your switchboard.
In the meantime, we need some further details...With some photos and additional info we'll be able to chat quite specifically about your requirements.
Add photos & extra info
No time? All good. We'll email you a link to this portal if you'd like to complete this later.
Does the customer have a moment to add a few more details about the premises?
Add more details...
No? All good. Dan will discuss these details with the customer later.
In the meantime, if you think of any further details you can revisit this portal at any time.
Customer Portal
We'll email you a link to this portal if you'd like to add anything later on too.
This is the Building Help modal content.
You can customize this with your own message.
This is the Photos Help modal content.
*Any emergency enquiries should be followed up with a phonecall to 1800 851 129 where your call will be triaged directly to an emergency electrician. Enquiries submitted only by form cannot be actioned at the same pace.
*Any emergency enquiries should be transferred to (03) 9069 9772 following reception's completion of enquiry form.