By reporting your concerns to the college, you are taking an active role in maintaining the safety and wellbeing of our community.
Your report is crucial in informing prevention work across Bruford and helping us support others better. Please note, however, that anonymous reports do not lead to formal action being taken.
Once you have submitted this report, a trained member of our student casework team (a ‘caseworker’) will contact you as soon as possible and at least within five working days. Completing this report form does not constitute a formal complaint. The caseworker will treat the information you provide sensitively and talk through options with you, respecting your point of view. We will support you if you wish to report an incident to the police and/or make a formal complaint.
If you are a current student, you can always speak confidentially with Student Services anytime to access personal wellbeing support and advice. To contact via email:
If you do not want the College to respond to you and not discuss potential next steps and actions arising from your report, please use this Report a Concern Anonymously form.
Any personal data that you provide will be processed in line with our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Policy.