1.All residents of Safe Beds shall remain alcohol and drug free at all times. This includes selling, possession, or consumption. 2. All residents of Safe Beds must engage in services with Summit Behavioral Health.
3.Residents of Safe Beds may not at any time exhibit violence or threaten violence, coerce or intimidate members of the household, visitors, volunteers or staff.
4. Racial, LGBTQ-phobic comments, sexual slurs and sexual harassment will not be tolerated.
5. Residents of Safe Beds may not accept visitors who are under the influence of alcohol/drugs. Visitors are not allowed in the bedrooms and may only visit in the community areas of the house and premises.
6.Residents of Safe Beds must maintain any and all space s/he occupies at the residence in a healthy, clean, orderly, and safe condition.
7. Pets are not allowed without prior written approval.
8. All residents of Safe Beds are required to report any damage or theft to management. No property of the company shall be removed from the premises.
9. Residents of Safe Beds are not authorized to make any changes to any function of the facility, including, but not limited to electrical, plumbing, fire alarm systems (inlkuding smoke detectors) or internet.
10. Life Changes, Inc. is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen property. If a resident leaves without taking his/her personal belongings and makes no arrangements with management to retrieve these belongings within 30 days, they will be stored for up to 30 days and donated thereafter.
11. Residents of Safe Beds agree to comply with all health and safety protocols as implemented by Life Changes, Inc.
12. Residents of Safe Beds are required to comply with instruction and services provided by Life Changes, Inc. and Summit Behavioral Health Services.
13. Upon discharge, Residents of Safe Beds agree to leave the premises without incident.