We want to hear your views - by 5pm on Wednesday 5th June, 2024!
"How important to you is Social Value UK's affiliation with Social Value International?"
Social Value UK (SVUK) was established in 2007 as a company limited by guarantee and is a membership organisation with both individual and organisational members from the UK. Social Value International (SVI) was established in 2011 and is a charity registered in England. It is a membership organisation that supports the growth of affiliated national membership networks in 29 countries. Through international collaboration, SVI develops best practice and standards for SROI or 'accounting for value' and oversees an internationally recognised professional pathway for social value practitioners as well as a report assurance framework and software accreditation services, amongst other things. By joining SVUK, our members also become SVI members and can access the benefits that SVI offers. As part of our Joint Member Network Agreement with SVI, we must now pay SVI a percentage of our revenue from the SVI services that we deliver (Accredited Training, Report Assurance, Levels 1-3 on the Professional pathway, SVI membership). These fees are reinvested by SVI in developing these services and advancing the mission internationally. The purpose of this consultation is to collect your views on our affiliation with SVI and to understand the value you place on accessing SVI services through SVUK.
1. Name
First Name
Last Name
2. Name of organisation
3. Email (if you would like to access any follow ups to this process)
4. What category of member do you fall into?
Small Organisation (Turnover <£500K)
Medium Organisation (Turnover £500K – £5M)
Large Organisation (Turnover £5M – £50M)
Very Large Organisation (Turnover £50M>)
Public Sector Body
5. How long have you or your organisation been a member of SVUK in number of years? Please write 0 if less than 1 year.
6. Do you or your organisation have an affiliation with SVI separate to your links through SVUK?
I was or am a Trustee of SVI
I sat or sit on an SVI Committee
I was or am a paid contractor/employee of SVI
I was or am a volunteer with SVI (aside from any category listed here)
I was or am a paid or unpaid advisor to SVI
7. If you stated 'Other', please describe any additional ways you or your organisation are affiliated with SVI.
8. Are you or your organisation aware that being a member of SVUK automatically makes you a member of SVI?
9. Are you aware of the SVI benefits that you are entitled to via your SVUK membership?
10. If you answered 'Yes' above, how important was it to you or your organisation in deciding whether to become a member of SVUK that we are a Joint Member Network of SVI?
1 is Irrelevant, 5 is Crucial
11. How important is it to you or your organisation NOW that SVUK is a Joint Member Network of SVI?
1 is Irrelevant, 5 is Crucial
12. Please explain why you answered in that way.
13. How do you or your organisation benefit from SVUK's affiliation with SVI?
Better credibility - leading to funding and business opportunities
Networking and access to international expertise
Access to accredited training
Access to professional pathway qualifications
Access to Continuing Professional Development (e.g. practice updates and resources)
Attendance at SVI Conferences
Report assurance
Software accreditation
Engagement in relevant advocacy campaigns and consultations
Being a part of a worldwide movement based on The Eight Principles of Social Value
No notable benefit
14. If you stated 'Other', please describe any additional ways you or your organisation benefit from SVUK's affiliation with SVI.
15. What, if anything, would you or your organisation like to gain from SVUK's affiliation with SVI going forward?
16. Do you see SVUK's affiliation with SVI as irrelevant or negative to you or your organisation? If so, why?
17. As an individual member, if SVUK's affiliation with SVI is of benefit to you, what would you be willing to pay for it per annum?
Please Select
N/A - not an individual member
Under £5
Over £20
18. As an organisational member, if SVUK's affiliation with SVI is of benefit to you, what would you be willing to pay for it per annum?
Please Select
N/A - not an organisational member
Under £10
Over £30
19. When comparing SVI products and services to their 'generic equivalent', what is the SVI brand worth to you in terms of any uplift to fees for those products and services?
Please Select
Over 33%
20. Is there anything else you would like to add?
Should be Empty: