Hope Alive 845 INC is a non profit organization through New York State for missing children and adults. Hope alive 845 INC is here to assist Law Enforcement and Families find a missing person. Hope Alive 845 INC is very limited in any what so ever information that is provided to the organization about the missing and will only provide information to the Agency requesting Help. Hope Alive 845 INC will Post up its own flyers on all of its platforms and set up a Tipline number for any tips that come in. If a Missing person is under the age of 17 years old and Hope Alive 845 Inc finds them, They will return them to the agency where a missing report is filed at. If they are over the age then Hope Alive 845 INC will contact the agency to have an officer come out to the location where Hope Alive 845 is at. Hope Alive 845 INC does NOT judge by color, Age, Gender, or any other aspects. Hope Alive 845 INC takes every missing person serious until they are found.