An LEA's Title III funds must “supplement and not supplant” [3115(f)(2)(g)] Lau Requirements, i.e., required state- and locally-funded English language development (ELD) services to be provided to each EL student in the corporation. The primary objectives of Title III are to increase English language proficiency and academic achievement in the core academic subjects, to provide high-quality professional development to LEA staff, and to engage families of English learners in the school community and educational process.
To ensure that LEAs meet this requirement, an English Learner Plan that details core ELD services, as well as EL-related assurances, must be completed within the Pre-Application. Once the Pre-Application is submitted and approved, you are eligible to begin utilizing approved Title III funding on or after July 1, 2024.
Please review the following 2024-2026 Title III Grant allocation documents on the IDOE Title III webpage for details on your LEA's funds: