Rules of Being a Distro
# 1. You must Have an Xbox Series s/x ( This is Mandatory NO Exceptions).
# 2. You must Pass to the Community and get Shout Outs.
# 3. Y’all must Help each Other out Passing to the Community and Getting the Cars needed to Pass.
# 4. Must be in Communication with the Head Distro if You are Unable to Pass during a Period of Time.
# 5. Respect Everyone even if You Don’t Like them.
# 6. Head Distro needs to Pass as Much as other Distros if not More. ( As they Need to Lead by Example )
# 7. If you are Passing Cars your Profile Need to be Shown Online otherwise You can Be on Do Not Disturb at any Other Time. ( This is to Help us Help You )
# 8. No Loud background Noise so We can Hear each Other!!!
You sent
# 7. If you are Passing Cars your Profile Need to be Shown Online otherwise You can Be on Do Not Disturb at any Other Time. ( This is to Help us Help You )