Six Priorities to Guide Our Parish
2024 - 2027
Fostering Parish Unity: Honors our differences and builds upon the legacy of our pasts to nurture a vibrant parish commuinty with meaningful relationships, unified by a sense of belonging and shared purpose
Faith Formation for Children, Youth, and Adults: Invites parishioners of all ages into a deeper relationship with Jesus, helping us to live our baptismal call to spread the Good News and work for justice in the world.
Youth Engagement: Supports and encourages parish youth beyond Confirmation by empowering them to practice living as disciples through witness, service, ministry, and leadership
Culture of Stewardship: Promotes recognition that we are the Church and that each of us has God-given gifts of time, talent, and treasure that can be cultivated responsibly and shared lovingly within our community
Discipleship and Evangelization: Empowers us to bear witness to the God News and make the Kingdom of God present in our world by growing our knowledge of and love for Christ
Liturgical Life: Brings us closer to God, builds community, and forms us into missionary disciples of Christ through vibrant, inclusive, and life-giving liturgies.