'Live Your Light' Mastermind Application
Thank you so much for your interest in being a part of 'Live Your Light' - a 3 Month Mastermind Experience. Please fill out the form below and I'll contact you if it seems like an aligned fit.
More information about 'Live Your Light'
First Name
Last Name
How do you feel called to 'Live Your Light' in the world, and what specifically draws you to be a part of this Mastermind Experience?
What qualities do you feel you can add / contribute to the group dynamic?
What outcome would you like to see/feel/experience from this mastermind?
Have you ever enrolled in a mastermind and/or group program? If yes, what was your experience? Did you get the results you were hoping for?
'Live your Light' Mastermind is currently being offered for $3330 USD. Does this feel financially aligned / doable for you right now? (Payment plans will be available)
Yes, it feels super aligned!
I think so!
I'm not sure...
Not right now
Is there anything else you'd like me to know?
Should be Empty: