Outrider Registration
Application form
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Are you 17 years and above ?
Please Select
Are you available to outride at the 2024 Penrite Hattah Desert Race ?
Please Select
Yes, I am available to outride Saturday 6th July and Sunday 7th July
Yes, I'm available to outride Saturday 6th July only
Yes, I'm available to outride Sunday 7th July only
Have you outridden at the Hattah Desert Race in the past ?
Please Select
YES - within the last 3 years
YES - more than 3 years ago
Have you ever officiated at other motorsport events ? Please detail
Do you have a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) in Victoria ?
Please Select
NO, but I am willing to obtain a WWCC (free) before the event
NO, I don't wish to obtain a (free) WWCC
Do you have a current First Aid Certificate ?
Please Select
YES, Level 2
YES, above Level 2
How confident are you in dealing with members of the public in a professional and calm way ?
Please Select
Not very, leave me with the riders
Somewhat confident, if there isnt too much conflict
Confident, I can hold my own
Very confident, I can definitely deal with people in a calm and constructive manner
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