Looking for a slightly longer stay?
Ginger & Gold Management offers private properties for short term serviced let and Mid-term stays. We charge by the night (like a hotel) and provide all furniture, amenities and bills included. We have 1 to 5 bedroom houses available and no-one else has access during your stay. We offer larger discounts for the longer you stay - idea for those working in the area. Please provide answers to as many of the questions as possible so we can find you the perfect accommodation
First Name
Last Name
Telephone Number
When are you looking to start your stay?
How long will the duration of your stay be?
Number of guests
Any other information that will help us find the best property for you? (i.e need a bedroom per guest / pet friendly / needs parking for large van etc)
We will be in touch within 24 hours to discuss options
Thank you
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