My child/children, listed on the front of this page, is/are not covered under my health insurance policy. I understand that in the event of a serious accident or illness, Our Lady of the Cedars will try to contact one or both parents. If neither one is able to be reached, I understand that the staff will try to reach the emergency contact and physician listed on my family’s Emergency Card and follow their instructions. If it is impossible to reach the physician, Our Lady of the Cedars may take whatever arrangements seem necessary.
However, because my child/children is/are not covered under any health insurance, I understand that my child/children would, in the event emergency room/hospital care is necessary, be taken to the nearest emergency room/hospital, and consequently, I release Our Lady of the Cedars, and I agree to protect, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless such parties from and against any and all losses, liabilities, expenses, and causes of action for personal injury or illness arising out of or resulting from, at any time, directly or indirectly, my child’s/children’s participation in Our Lady of the Cedars activities, on and off church property.