Members - $175.00
Non-Members - $200.00
Registration Opens October 16, 2024
and closes January 4th, 2025
Class size limited to 12
Presenter Information: Lalita is a sought-after instructor and juror who attended the Vancouver Academy of Art for four years, where she studied traditional painting methods from classically trained instructors. Lalita is a Signature member of the Federation of Canadian Artists, and an Associate Member of Oil Painters of America. She has been teaching for over 35 years, facilitated public monthly critiques for 10 years, and has been running a weekly contemporary atelier program out of her studio for eight years. Lalita designed the Foundations Program for the Federation of Canadian Artists. She is accomplished in oils, acrylics and watercolour, and specializes in art critiques and mentorship of artists.
Lalita has a degree in Philosophy and English, is currently completing a Masters in Clinical Psychology; she is also a writer, musician, & facilitator. “I paint to gently awaken in myself and others that which has been lost, hidden, or buried.” - L.C. Hamill Visit
Workshop Description: Many artists believe that the best way to create a colourful painting is to add more colour or make the colour more intense. Unfortunately, this often leads to paintings that are perceived by the viewer to be garish and loud; these artworks often lack subtlety and sophistication. In fact, one of the best ways to create colourful paintings is to strategically place greys beside or around small amounts of intense colour. The term ‘grey’ refers to any colour on the inside of the colour wheel, often created when you mix colours that sit across from each other.
For those wanting to improve the impact of colour in their paintings, this workshop will consist of information, exercises, and feedback both in and out of class. The majority of the practice will occur between classes, so participants need to ensure they have a minimum of four hours per week to paint. Participants can opt to email photos of their homework to Lalita in order to receive tailored feedback at the beginning of the next session. Video recordings will be provided to participants (only) for a limited time of 3 weeks after each session.
The structure of each session will look something like this:
• Review of homework
• Instruction and demos by Lalita - note: you will not be painting during the session.
• Exercises
• Description of between-session exercises
• Q&A
Main topics will include the following:
• Choosing the right tubes of paint (and by ‘right’, I mean to get the look and feel you want)
• Ensuring your paint is the appropriate consistency, and what to do when it isn’t
• Palette management
• “Mother” colours, lights, and darks
• Mixing colour on the palette vs on the canvas
• Colour Theory
o Contrast of Saturation
o How colours affect each other
o Creating gradations of colour that are the same tonal value
o Colour and mood
o Colour and eye flow
• What to do when things go ‘sideways’