Assessment Scale:
0-INDEPENDENTLY: No support from devices/caregiver and has no difficulty completing the activity.
1-ALONE WITH DIFFICULTY: Can perform alone, but may have expressed some concerns performing or having difficulty perform alone.
2-SOMETIMES NEEDS MONITORIING/ASSISTED DEVICES: Can perform activity but caregiver or assistive device is available.
3- ABLE, BUT UNWILLING: Demonstrates the ability to perform activity but has voiced unwillingness to perform.
4-FREQUENTLY NEEDS ASSISTANCE: Caregiver or assistive device is readily available and frequently used in order to perform.
5- ALWAYS NEEDS ASSISTANCE: Does not/cannot perform without caregiver or assistive device.
6- ALWAYS NEEDS ASSISTANCE BUT INADEQUATE OR NO CAREGIVER AVAILABLE: Demonstrated need for assistance and does not have access to proper assistive devices or caregiver.
7-UNABLE TO DETERMINE: More information needs to be gathered in order to provide a proper assessment score.
8- UNABLE TO PERFORM: Does not have the ability to perform, this goes beyond the use of needing assistive devices or caregiver. This would pertain to an individual that has no leg mobility, paralysis, or other condition that significantly impedes to perform this activity even with proper assistance.