Tow operators and tow truck drivers must follow the requirements of the Towing and Storage Safety and Enforcement Act, 2021 . This Act sets out responsibilities for the operation of a tow truck, conduct toward the public and at the scene of an accident, and the rates that can be charged for towing a motor vehicle. The act also sets out rights you have when requesting and receiving towing services.
You have the right to:
- Decide who can to tow your vehicle, and where your vehicle will be towed to
- Receive and review the consent form and maximum rate sheet prior to towing begins; do not sign a blank form
- Receive an unaltered copt of your signed Consent Form
- Receive an itemized invoice prior to paying and a receipt when you pay
- Choose your payment method
- Contact the Ministry of Transportation if you have any concerns about the towing services you received or the conduct of the tow driver/operator
By Signing this waiver
- You are confirming that you have read and understood your rights stated in the Towing and Storage Safety and Enforcement Act.
- You are authorizing your vehicle to be towed by Duffs Towing.
- If applicable: You are authorizing a secondary tow the reporting centre if the reporting centre is closed, unless directed otherwise by an authorizing party
- You have been given a copy of Duffs Towing's business card with a phone number, address and contact name for the company
- You have been provided "Towing Rate Sheet" and are aware of the rates being charged for todays incident
- You understand that in the event that you do not carry adequate insurance coverage, you will be responsible to pay for all towing and storage fees incurred by today's incident.