All Care Health Solutions is participating in a national survey to provide the United States Department of Health and Human Services with information about the quality of health care delivered to people in their homes. You may be selected to take part in this important telephone interview. We have partnered with Pinnacle Quality Insight to contact our patients via telephone to complete this interview. Phone calls from Pinnacle Quality Insight will appear on your caller ID as being from a toll-free area code.
The number that will appear on your caller ID is 1-877-308-3844.
This will help you know when Pinnacle might be calling, so that you will feel safe to answer. Please keep this in mind so that you do not miss this survey opportunity.
The interview results will improve the quality of care people receive and help people make more informed decisions when choosing a health care provider. Results will be publicly reported on the Internet at Home Health Compare at The interviewer will ask your opinions about the home health care you received. We hope that you will take a few minutes to go through this important call.
If you need help completing the interview, please ask a family member or friend to help you. It is important that your answers reflect your own opinions about the home health care you received, so please do not ask anyone from our agency for help completing the survey.
Your participation in this survey is totally voluntary. It will not have any effect on your health care or benefits. All information will be held in confidence and is protected by the Privacy Act. Your name will not be attached to the publicized results.
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Pinnacle Quality Insight at 1-877-308-3844.
Thank you in advance for your participation.