Thank you for considering membership with BREAC-NC. We value your interest and dedication to advancing both your professional aspirations and the cause of minority equity within the real estate valuation industry.
By joining BREAC-NC, you're not only committing to professionalism but also to driving social change, advocating for equity, and promoting minority representation in real estate. These values are crucial for empowering Black and other minority communities in the realm of real estate appraisal.
Regardless of where you are in your career journey or your current licensure level, BREAC-NC is here to support you. As the leading Black Real Estate appraisal group in North Carolina, we recognize the importance of this moment in history and aim to leverage the collective expertise of our members to promote equity and inclusion within the profession.
We understand that navigating this path may require guidance and support, and we're here to provide it. Whether you need assistance with the licensing process, advice on educational requirements, or simply encouragement, our team is available to help every step of the way.
Feel free to contact us at with any questions or concerns you may have. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to welcome you into the BREAC-NC family, where together, we can advance professional goals and pave the way for the next generation of appraisers.