I, the owner of the above described pet(s) do hereby certify the following:
My pet is well trained, is not dangerous to others and does not have a propensity to be vicious. My pet has never bitten, clawed or caused harm to another person or other pet.
My pet is not pregnant and will not become pregnant while we are residing on the premises. If my pet becomes pregnant, I will be in violation of this agreement and the offspring must be removed from the premises OR I will be subject to eviction. I shall not engage in any pet-raising or selling activities.
There shall be no pets, other than listed above on the premises.
I agree to keep the pet from becoming a nuisance to neighbors and follow everything stated in the PET ADDENDUM. This includes but is not limited to controlling the barking of the pet, if necessary and cleaning any animal waste on and about the premises.
In the event that my pet causes damage or destruction to the property, I agree that all cost of said damage or destruction shall come out of our Security Deposit. Should the Security Deposit be insufficient to cover the cost of any pet damage or destruction, then I agree to be financially responsible for damages above and beyond the amount of my security deposit.
If the pet becomes a nuisance, causes damage or destruction to the premises or otherwise violates the terms of the PET ADDENDUM, PET APPLICATION or LEASE AGREEMENT it may result in eviction.
If a neighbor becomes frightened because of a pet’s behavior, Homes, Inc., the pet owner, and the neighbor will have to have an arbitration to settle the issue.
I do hereby agree to the terms and conditions of the PET APPLICATION form.